Wednesday, February 20, 2019

a love poem to no one

You’re so beautiful, I could look at you for hours, if I weren’t  to aftaid of exploding
Combusting, death of something through the uttermost form
Of living. Living without boundaries or social etiquette,
Or doing the work just for the reward, but every breath of life with each other
Rather the reward. And then the alarm goes off at 5:20am.

I don’t need to know if I’m thankful or saddened. I don’t know if I’m
Experiencing trauma or bliss. I think I’m all of it.
And in the hours that follow-I’m in then mountains, in the snow, in the car pool line.
I’m in the grocery store, the Starbucks, the office... and still I’m almost brought
To tears by a shape of a face that , by all accounts should have  forgotten the details of.

she's just gone

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No one can really know Everything about you, but

I cannot live with someone who can't live without me.
Nadine Gordimer